Dr Andreas Bender

University of Cambridge

University departments
Department of Chemistry
NHS or other affiliations
Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics

Position: Lecturer
Personal home page: http://www.ch.cam.ac.uk/staff/ab.html

PubMed journal articles - click here

Dr Andreas Bender is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.

Research description

Previously affiliated with the Lead Discovery Informatics (LDI) group of Novartis in Cambridge/MA, I am now developing and applying cheminformatics techniques in the drug discovery field in my group with the University of Cambridge. Our expertise ranges from the analysis of chemical screening data over the mode-of-action analysis of phenotypes (such as from high-content screening) to the prediction of adverse drug reactions. In case you are generating large amounts of chemical or biological data related to cancer drug discovery you are very welcome to contact me to see in which way I could contribute to your project.

Research Programme or Virtual Institute
Fundamental Biology of Cancer

Machine learning/data mining methods applied to chemical and biological data

Recent publications:
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Key publications

Young DW, Bender A et al., Integration of Image-Based Cytological Phenotypes with Computational Ligand-Target Prediction to Identify Mechanisms of Action, Nature Chemical Biology, 4: 59 - 68.