Dr Robert Kay

MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

Position: Group leader
Personal home page: http://www2.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/groups/rrk/

PubMed journal articles - click here

Dr Robert Kay is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.

Research description

Conserved mechanisms in chemotaxis. How cells sense and move in chemical gradients; how they make projections - pseudopodia and blebs - orientated by such gradients. The genetics of cell movement; large scale analysis of protein phosphorylation in response to chemo-attractants. The role of PI3kinase and PI4P5kinase in chemotaxis. Relation of model to metastasis. Also the fundamental role of human disease proteins: neurofimbramatosis-1 (NF1), Schwachman-Diamond syndrome and Fanconi's anaemia

Research Programme or Virtual Institute
Fundamental Biology of Cancer
Recent publications:
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Key publications

Hoeller, O. & Kay, R.R. (2007). Chemotaxis in the absence of PIP3 gradients. Curr. Biol.17, 813-817 Kay, R.R., Langridge, P., Traynor, D. & Hoeller, O. (2008). Changing directions in the study of chemotaxis. Nature Rev. Molec. Cell Biol. 9, 455-463 Bloomfield, G., Skelton, J., Ivens, A., Tanaka, Y. & Kay, R.R. (2010) Sex determination in the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum. Science 330, 1533-1536 Wong, C.C., Traynor, D., Basse, N., Kay, R.R. & Warren, A.J. (2011). Defective ribosome assembly in Shwachman-Diamond syndrome. Blood, 118, 4305-4312