Open day at the CRUK Cambridge Institute for the Cambridge Science Festival

CSF@CRUK Cambridge Institute – discover more about cancer research on Sunday 22 March through hands-on activities and talks.

We are opening the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute from 11.00-16.00 on Sunday 22 March as part of the Cambridge Science Festival.

Come and try these hands-on activities to find out about some of the ground-breaking cancer research taking place in this Institute:

Does it leave a bitter taste?
Take the genetic taste test to find out if you’re a supertaster or not, and learn how research is helping scientists understand the different types of cancer in different people.

Targetted therapy game
See how hard it is to target a particular part of the body with the right treatment.

Extracting DNA
Have a go at extracting DNA from fruit and learn how to run an E-gel to break DNA fragments down into different proteins.

Mutation Game
Can you spot the cancer-causing mistake in the DNA sequence?

Cancer cells under the Microscope
Examine different cancer cells under the microscope and see how they are different from normal cells. Thermo Fisher Scientific will be also demonstrating their microscopes.

How do we see inside tumours?
See some cutting edge imaging techniques that could allow us to monitor how tumours are responding to treatment.

You can find out about local Cancer Research UK fundraising events coming up such as Race for Life, Pretty Muddy and Relay for Life and try out some of the latest citizen science games where you can help scientists analyse real cancer data.

Cakes and hot and cold drinks will be on sale in the café where there will also be a display of stunning images from the Royal Photographic Society.

We are also hosting a number of talks in the Lecture Theatre, which are bookable in advance through the Festival website (click on the titles below for booking details):

11.15-12.15 Addenbrooke's eHospital programme – Dr Lydia Drumright

12.30-13.15 Today's match: cancer vs treatment – Florian Markowetz, Group Leader, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

13.30-14.30 Hands off My Health Records? Why sharing your health data matters
The perils of data sharing have hit the headlines but this panel discussion will explore how health records have the power to transform treatments when we are ill and boost research efforts to help us live longer with fewer health problems. Organised by the Cambridge Institute of Public Health.

15.00-15.45 What is cancer and what are we doing about it? – Alasdair Russell, Postdoctoral Researcher, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute

26 Feb 2015