University of Cambridge
Department of Haematology
Wellcome Trust MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
The Göttgens group uses a combination of experimental and computational approaches to study how transcription factor networks control the...
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Not applicable/other
Addenbrookes Hospital
University of Cambridge
Department of Biochemistry
Science Communication Specialist, Cell and Molecular Biology Programme
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Pathology
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Cambridge
Department of Radiology
Honorary Consultant Clinical Scientist
The development of MRI acquisition and analysis methods in oncology. We have developed and applied advanced methods for dynamic contrast...
Department of Medicine
Supervisor Prof Margaret Ashcroft. Disruption of hypoxia response pathways in renal cancer and how these can be harnessed to develop new...
University of Cambridge
Department of Haematology
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Wellcome Trust MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
Tony Green is Professor of Haemato-oncology in the University of Cambridge and honorary Consultant Haematologist at Addenbrookes Hospital...
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Not applicable/other
Royal College of Surgeons
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Flow cytometry core facility
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
Cambridge Breast Cancer Research Unit
