European Bioinformatics Institute, University of Cambridge
MRC Cancer Unit
Hutchison MRC Research Centre
Babraham Institute
Not applicable/other
University of Cambridge
Department of Haematology
Wellcome Trust MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, Department of Oncology
CRUK Cambridge Institute
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
Precision Breast Cancer Institute
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Haematology
University of Cambridge
MRC Biostats Unit
I have interests in Bayesian methods for unsupervised genomic dataset integration, and many broad aspects of statistical and mathematical...
University of Cambridge
Department of Medicine
University of Cambridge
Department of Clinical Genetics
We are interested in developing and applying a range of new biophysical methods, based on laser fluorescence spectroscopy and scanning...
Oncology drug discovery and development, SERD, PI3K mTOR AKT pathway, HER2, EGFR
