Translational modelling, simulation, and informatics with focus on drug discovery and development for oncology and drug safety.
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Not applicable/other
Genetic Susceptibility to Breast Cancer 1. Functional analysis of predisposition loci: My experiments are aimed at understanding the...
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
CRUK Cambridge Institute
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
Research Passport with Addenbrookes Hospital. Honorary contract
CRUK Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories, University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
CRUK Cambridge Institute, Hutchison MRC Research Centre
Univeristy of Oxford, Queen's University of Belfast and University of Bergen
Not applicable/other
Cambridge Cancer Trials Centre
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
Early Cancer Institute
University of Cambridge
Hutchison MRC Research Centre
Histopathology Department, CUH
University of Cambridge
Department of Biochemistry
Wellcome Trust CRUK Gurdon Institute
Our main goal is to understand how cells interpret genetic and epigenetic information as well as environmental cues to determine their...
