Dr Andrew Murray

Position: Senior Lecturer
Personal home page: http://www.pdn.cam.ac.uk/staff/murray/index.shtml

PubMed journal articles - click here

Dr Andrew Murray is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.

Research description

Our interest lies in the control of mitochondrial respiration and energy metabolism. We are interested in the metabolic response to dietary manipulation and alterations in oxygen supply, including the matching of oxygen demand and supply. We study this in cells, tissues, animal models and healthy humans at high altitude, and in relation to diseases such as heart failure, COPD, anaemia and pathologies of pregnancy such as preeclampsia. A major recent interest is the role of dietary nitrate.

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Key publications

Ashmore T, Fernandez BO, Evans CE, Huang Y, Branco-Price C, Griffin JL, Johnson RS, Feelisch M, Murray AJ. Suppression of erythropoiesis by dietary nitrate. FASEB J. 2015 Mar;29(3):1102-12. Ashmore T, Fernandez BO, Branco-Price C, West JA, Cowburn AS, Heather LC, Griffin JL, Johnson RS, Feelisch M, Murray AJ. Dietary nitrate increases arginine availability and protects mitochondrial complex I and energetics in the hypoxic rat heart. J Physiol. 2014 Nov 1;592(Pt 21):4715-31. Colleoni F, Padmanabhan N, Yung H-W, Watson ED, Cetin I, Tissot van Patot MC, Burton GJ, Murray AJ (2013) Suppression of mitochondrial electron transport chain function in the hypoxic human placenta: a role for miRNA210 and protein synthesis inhibition. PLoS One 8, e55194. Levett DZ, Radford EJ, Menassa DA, Graber EF, Morash AJ, Hoppeler H, Clarke K, Martin DS, Ferguson-Smith AC, Montgomery HE, Grocott MP, Murray AJ (2012) Acclimatization of skeletal muscle mitochondria to high-altitude hypoxia during an ascent of Everest. FASEB J 26, 1431-1441.