Professor Ben Simons

University of Cambridge

University departments
Department of Physics

Position: Professor
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Professor Ben Simons is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.

Research description

We are interested in the role of stem cells in the maintenance of adult tissue. In particular, by drawing of the results of inducible genetic labelling, we have studied the mechanism of epidermal maintenance in mouse. Currently, we are extending these ideas to explore cell fate in human epidermis addressing both normal and malignant tissue. These investigations are pursued in close collaboration with experimentalists in Cambridge.

Research Programme or Virtual Institute
Thoracic Cancer
Secondary Programme
Brain Cancer Virtual Institute

mathematical modelling

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Key publications

E. Clayton, D. P. Doupe, A. M. Klein, D. Winton, B. D. Simons, and P. H. Jones (2007), A single type of progenitor cell maintains the epidermis, Nature 446 , 185. A. M. Klein, D. P. Doupe, P. H. Jones, and B. D. Simons (2007), Kinetics of cell division in epidermal maintenance, Phys. Rev. E. 76, 021910