University of Cambridge
Department of Biochemistry
The use of classical, germ-line genetics to define gene function in vertebrates is severely limited by embryonic lethality, developmental...
University of Cambridge
Department of Medicine
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Oncology
Clinical information system
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
CRUK Cambridge Institute
Department of Radiology
CRUK Cambridge Institute
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Not applicable/other
University of Cambridge, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Oncology
Hutchison MRC Research Centre
European Bioinformatics Institute
Not applicable/other
University of Cambridge
Department of Biochemistry
I study the processes involved in DNA replication in eukaryotes, including the mechanism of priming by the replicative primase and the...
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
Cancer Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
