Dr Cedric Ghevaert

University of Cambridge

University departments
Department of Haematology
University institutes
Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
NHS or other affiliations
Consultant Haematologist

Position: Senior Lecturer in Transfusion Medicine
Personal home page: https://www.stemcells.cam.ac.uk/research/pis/ghevaert

PubMed journal articles - click here

Dr Cedric Ghevaert is pleased to consider applications from prospective PhD students.

Research description

Cedric Gevaert graduated from the medical school of the University Libre de Bruxelles in 1997 and subsequently became a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, London (2000). He specialised in Haematology and became a fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists in 2005. He obtained his PhD in 2008 studying novel antibodies for the treatment of bleeding in neonates in Cambridge. He obtained a personal Intermediate Clinical Fellowship from the British Heart Foundation whilst working in Prof Steve Watson's group at the university of Birmingham in 2009. He took up the post of Senior Lecturer in Transfusion Medicine at the University of Cambridge in 2010, a post funded by the NHS Blood and Transplant. In addition to his academic post, Dr Ghevaert also works as a Consultant Haematologist for the NHSBT.

Research Programme or Virtual Institute
Haematological Malignancies Virtual Institute
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