Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Not applicable/other
Cancer Genetics and Genomics
Dr Peter Campbell is Head of Cancer, Ageing and Somatic Mutation, and Senior Group Leader at the Sanger Institute and is joint head of the...
University of Cambridge, Other
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of Radiology
The Alan Turing Institute
University of Cambridge
Department of Medical Genetics
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
University of Cambridge
Department of Oncology
CRUK Cambridge Institute
Evis Carcani
University of Cambridge
Department of Radiology
My study focuses on imaging Breast cancer by using PET-MRI
Not applicable/other
Translational Science - Oncology Innovative Medicines Unit
Applying cutting edge genomic techniques to measure biomarkers and further understanding of response and resistance across a range of drug...
Not applicable/other
Oncology Biologics drug discovery
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
CRUK Cambridge Institute
We are interested in understanding how Estrogen Receptor (ER) transcription contributes to breast cancer cell growth and to response to...
University of Cambridge
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
CRUK Cambridge Institute
Primary research focuses on understanding how the ageing process, and processes underlying ageing, promote carcinogenesis.
