Department of Oncology
Hutchison MRC Research Centre
University of Cambridge
Department of Engineering
Development of ultrafast fiber laser systems for medical applications, including surgery and imaging, such as coherent Raman microscopy.
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, CRUK Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Not applicable/other
University of Cambridge
Department of Engineering
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Not applicable/other
Pancreatic Cancer Centre
Raaj Praseedom is a Consultant HepatoPancreatoBiliary...
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, University of Cambridge
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, Department of Oncology
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Clinical Neuroscience
My research group is interested in using advanced MRI and PET imaging to study the area around brain tumours with a view to developing...
Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Department of Radiology
MRI and MRS are highly complex, with the flexibility to be applied in many novel situations. My research focusses on developing and...
CRUK Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Breast Unit
I am lead pathologist for several research projects in breast cancer. My primary interest is the translational aspect of clinical trials...
